I live EVERY day with gratitude…..so the month of November is no different.  However, it is a great chance to keep track for one month as I did last year HERE.  I am not shy to tell those around me that I am thankful for them, post on Facebook and shout out my gratitude!  I never want to leave this earth with those around me ever questioning that. 

So with that I ring in November 2012 with thanks every day!

Thirty Days of Gratitude 2012

Every day I will add a new item and share it.  I hope you will join me! 


Nov 1st – Thank you for no nonsense friends who kick me in the rear when I need it, laugh with me (my favorite thing to do) walk with me and toast with me when the need arises.  Amen ♥

Nov 2nd – thankful for tears……the ones that come streaming out from laughter with good friends.  The best kind!

Nov 3rd – Thankful for walking…walking for fun with a best friend in a most colorful fun way (The Color Run) and thankful to walk (Walk for Life) with a purpose in memory of a best friend who gave me the utmost appreciation for life early on.  May we never take that for granted. ♥

Nov 4th – Thanks for a Sunday that was in paradise, San Diego.  A place this midewest girl never takes for granted.  It was capped off with a beautiful sunset. 

Nov 5th – Thankful that part of my job is to use my creative side to Live Life in Full Color every day!  (and to remember in the grey times that colors are on the other side….).  From photography to painting I feel grateful! Embracing and sharing the artisitic side of me has opened a whole new world.

Nov 6th – The ability to exercise my right to vote…I did!  It was not long ago (1920) women did not have the right to vote and I for one do not take that for granted.

 Nov 7th – Thankful for all those car rides with the kids to/from sports, school, etc.  I get a front row seat to see the lives they are leading, the things that affect them and all they are taking part in.  Between conversations they have with me, their carpool friends and between themselves I get a snippet into their lives.  As a mom that is a gift I will treasure in spite of the cost of gas, the hassle and the constant juggling.  For that I am thankful today. (and to my village for those extra legs in the carpool schedule ♥)

Nov 8th – Today I am thankful for Penny, aka The Furball who is excited to see me every time I enter a room, takes up more space in the bed than a Fullback and weighs only 13 lbs, and who has brought more love into this house than I ever thought possible.  She also has shown me that black hair on my pillow just means she loves that spot and being overly clean in life just is not worth it.  (as I reach for the steam cleaner).  And for all my dog loving friends this does not make me a dog person ;).  Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!
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Nov 9th – Today I am thankful for my grandmas. They are my foundation and for this I feel grateful to sit with my daughter tonight and hope she knows where she comes from. The roots are strong….Great Grandmas, Grandmas and Moms.

Nov 10th – Thankful to be a "soccer mom"….which includes being a basketball mom, pole-vault mom, and any other sport they have tried or do try……this camera hauling mom is happy to be there to cheer them on (win, lose or draw).

Nov 11th – Today as I was in our fine bay, our military city I was ever so thankful to those men & women who have served and are serving.  AND to their families who sacrifice right along with them for our freedom.  Saw them in air and by sea today..

Nov 12– Thankful for the part of my job that allows me to hold a paint brush and share my artistic side with an incredible group of peope who weekly have inspired, pushed me and supported me.  My hope is to always do the same!

Nov 13th – I am thankful for those sponaneous moments that you just have to take advantage of and make for yourself.  

Nov 14th – Thankful to be there for a friend.  Just to listen, be there and hopefully make her smile.

Nov 15th – Ever so grateful for a BFF's who get me, know me and love me for who I am….the good, the bad and the funny! 

Nov 16th – Thanks for Friday night Lights….Home town football and our small country community where everyone does know your name.  Also for girls night with wine to celebrate the win laughing and talking the night away! 

Nov 17th – A fun night with big curly hair and lots of laughing. Great Italian food…

Nov 18th – Remembing to live every moment in life and dropping the need for perfection.  Perfection come when you live fully in the moment.  Cheers to Life!



