Well, yet again the annual sparkly ornaments  were A Glass Blast (literally)!  As always even the cheap seats were full to see what would happen when I work with glass and of course I did not let you down.  There is nothing like bustng a ball LIVE but I did just that! (ok, really I am trying to keep it clean).  After many requests I brought the “Glittery Balls” back and it was a ton of fun.

Here is what I painted LIVE……….



MATERIALS LIST:  DecoArt Gloss Enamels, Glitter, Glass Ornaments, DecoArt Ornament Glitter Adhesive or Beacon Glitter It, DecoArt Glass Paint Markers and 3D Opaque Gloss Enamels Glass Writers.  The thin tip make it so easy to doodle and write!



If you missed it LIVE it is recorded for your viewing pleasure and available on my YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TraceB5.



I really love having the memory of Mixed Media Monday’s right on my tree…..



Pam Kaliher you are the LUCKY Ornament WINNER!  Thanks for all the kind comments!  Remember to join the Facebook Group HERE and share your projects!   We are off next week for Christmas but will return for a YEAR ENDING 2013 show on December 30th were none other then the Glue Parents will be IN STUDIO!  Thank you for filling my heart with such Holiday Spirit ♥


“Be bold enough to use your voice, brave enough to listen to your heart, and strong enough to live the life you’ve always imagined.”