I am back from a wonderful work weekend that took me all the way to Downtown San Diego!  Or as we call it…America’s Finest City.  I was a the NAEA (National Art Educator’s Association) Show for DecoArt.   When you get to do what you love for work that makes a huge difference AND I got to work with some amazing people!  It was a great weekend with lots of talking!

Day 1 was all about talking and engaging educators and artist teachers from all over the USA.  Busy day from start to finish.  Then I decided to make the most of the time and play tourist in my own City….



The next two days included more talking, NCAA March Madness basketball (my poor MSU….congrats to Kentucky as I was with all KU fans), and a fun company dinner.  Yes we get a little (A LOT) silly in the slow times…


If you wonder what happens after a trade show well, we were more than efficient.  We had a 7-minute tear down (but of course had to wait for crates) but we we made a great team!


This left us just enough time to grab a fast dinner and play tour guide for Stacy and Cindy.  It was quick and fun!  So much laughing!


Thanks DecoArt for an great weekend doing what I love.  Working with the company is so natural for me because I do use ALL their products (and fun to see some of my projects in their catalog!).  Thanks Shara, Cindy, the Boss Stan and of course Stacy for a weekend I will not soon forget.  I think I had dreams about the Social Artworking and Educator Helping Artist programs days past!


♥ ♥ ♥

Who you affect is more powerful than who you are at any given moment.  Because nothing is as enduring as a great memory.  In the end, its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, and feelings that last.  Stone cracks.  Wood rots.  Skin dies.  But great thoughts, beautiful experiences, and inspiring legends… they live forever.