I am one proud Momma today!  The twin's did their speeches today for Student Council and they were great (ok, I am biased!).  I am very proud of them.  To think that these two have the you-know-whats to do this and speak makes this once-introverted girl so proud.  I would NEVER have done this but back in school I was so shy and hated public speaking (Still do!).  

I decided to show my team spirit this morning…(and yes I threw a few extra dollars in the therapy jar LOL)



Both speeches were great (again I am biased)…Vice President



and for President……



Crazy proud day for me and win or not I am happy for them and way proud to be their mom as my shirt says!


May they always know just how proud I am to be their Mom!  Now let's go take on the weekend.  TGIF!

"Truly, the greatest power you have in this world is the power of your own self-transformation.  It starts with the one in the mirror.  Be the very best version of YOU, and the right people will be drawn to you."