12/26/16 WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER AND THANK YOU TO ALL WHO LIKED ME FOR OVER 6000 LIKES!  CONGRATS TO Barb Macaskill!!!  Please email your shipping address to info@tracyweinzapfelstudios.com to claim your prize!



I love to find ways to celebrate, say thanks and give something away.  So I found another reason…..nearly 6000 likes on my Tracy Weinzapfel Studios Facebook Page!

I have a prize pack of some of my favorite products to share with you when I reach that goal.


How to enter?  Well……..I would LOVE it if you like and share my page with your creative friends on Facebook and let me know you have done so by leaving a comment below. It means so much that so many have followed along in my creative endeavors for so long and continue to do so.  When I reach 6000 LIKES I will select a random winner from the comments.  It is that easy and my way of thanking you!

Ready set CLICK :





Thank you!

Look at how far you’ve come.  You have made progress.  And now, imagine how far you can go.”