When you return to your Studio Monday morning and it looks like this, it was probabaly a good weekend…
This was the aftermath of some creative fun returning to what I love and feeling creative. January was quite the busy month. So I am ready to take on February! I will start with the first Doodle of 2014 and was just happy to pull out that watercolor Moleskin I carried around with me all summer! I missed it!
This was just about bursts of color and playing with some new things I got in my travels..
Lately the question was posed to me “What do you do when you don’t feel creative?”. That happens and I hate that feeling of forcing creativity. I sometimes just have to see it out. I am lucky that every Monday with Mixed Media Monday’s I am challenged to come up with ideas but sometimes those even fail me.
I highly suggest creative trips out. I personally go to Little Italy and spoil myself with Italian food and a trip to Blick’s to buy something new. Sometimes a trip to Michael’s. It may be a new Art Journal, a pen, markers, watercolors. Somethng small to just use on my next page. Sometimes those creative journeys are enough to spark that creative side of me (and if not, Italian food and wine is in my belly making me smile). Sometimes I go to the beach (sand between my toe time) or a book store to just go through art magazines. I know it is winter for many and there are far and few books stores but that is no excuse not to find your special place. Now I want to venture out and take my painting to the beach.
Some evenings the sunset sparks me and this weekend it was the sunrises. I was up this past weekend by 5 am painting. I took advantage of every moment I had.
This weekend was full of kids, sports and more but I found that creative time. I harnessed it when the mood struck and pulling out that Doodle journal which felt great!
Where do you find your creativity? What is your special place? What inspires you? ♥
“If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world. Dare to walk alone, and don’t be scared to like it. Remind yourself that you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if some people disagree.”