I spent all weekend sewing canvas journals for my next class!! For local peeps you can take it with me in studio in San Marcos, CA at The Artist Tree Studios, August 9th! Kits are going to the store this week! A few seats are available:
I am beyond excited to have the Canvas Art Journal class that I am teaching in August at Artist Tree Studios available that on my twStudios Etsy Store for everyone to join me LIVE as we create this same project TOGETHER on Ustream!
These are handsewn canvas journals!
To purchase your Kit Click HERE: https://www.etsy.com/listing/105329207/handmade-canvas-art-journal-kit-with
Dates will be announced soon after signups for the LIVE ustream Classes! I am so excited to be working on a project together to see what everyone creates.
Bring on an Art-Filled August!
"The one who falls and gets up it so much stronger than the one who never fell." ~Unknown