Lately I have not had the creative mojo and let "stuff" get in the way of taking the time to create something.  For me sometimes sitting down in my studio and painting or gluing something is like writing in a journal, expressing how I feel, etc.  I can look back on several of my journal pages and can remember just how I was feeling that day.  With work, kiddos, etc. I just have not made any "me" time. 

Monday nights I am on Ustream LIVE for Helmar and have to come up with something creative every week.  That is so hard sometimes.  I have every best intent to be prepared, ready and have a sample of what we are making in advance as I know that is what I am supposed to do when you teach.  Sometimes that just cannot happen and I have to "glue by the seat of my pants" and those who regularly tune in are so great! 

Last night 30 minutes before the show I had nothing, I felt nothing and quite honestly thought I would get on and just choke.  The great thing is I have the ability to just talk but people tune in to see something creative or see a new technique.  So by request I pulled out a blank canvas and at first looking at it was like looking a 30 acres of blank real estate!  How was I going to fill this canvas in the next hour and pretend I had anything to put on it.  I could see the viewers going up and more were tuning in (no pressure!) and for this girl who has a great fear of speaking in front of people it was now time to get at it.  Panic was setting in……..

In that 30 minute preshow chatting with everyone I just let it go…….I listened to them, they inspired me, I took a deep breath, and I took to canvas:

Helmar LIVE with Tracy Weinzapfel – 11/7/11 Grateful Canvas

This is what I learned last evening.  First off, I said it about 100 times: DON'T OVERTHINK IT!  Just do it.  It is your canvas, your art journal and some ideas you will like and some you will not.  The great thing about the art journal or those canvas boards is they are a safe place to experiment.

The second thing I learned, was art truly is a way for me to express myself.  I may not be the next Picasso or Monet but I am Tracy Weinzapfel.  There is no other (heck, many cannot even spell the name!) and I do have something to offer.  It may just be a simple technique or just the motivation to pick up a charcoal pencil. 

Third, putting yourself out there and doing what you love is what matters.  Listening to those around you for that much needed inspiration to open your heart and creativity is just what you need sometime.  But you have to be open to it and take that chance.  You never know what might come of it and last night with the inspiration flowing I loved MY "work of art"……….


  • Helmar Adhesives: Decoupage & Liquid Scrap Dots
  • 8 X 10 Canvas or Canvas Board
  • Book Text
  • Paints: DecoArt (Cocoa)
  • Stamp Pad: Marvy Heritage
  • Leaf Punches: Marvy
  • Indian Ink: Winsor Newton
  • Charcoal Pencil (soft)
  • Flowers: Maya Road
  • Rub Ons: Best Creations Inc.

Just love the dimension and detail of this canvas:


So when you not quite feeling it put yourself out there a bit and you might find what speaks to you.  I know that taking some of my art journal pages from the privacy of my own books to canvas really feels great.  Discovering that is something I am truly grateful for! 

For those who joined me last night LIVE thank you and for those who watched later and emailed me….thank you!  I am sure that is not the last "Create by the seat of my pants" night! 


"Each moment of the year has its own beauty…a picture which was never seen before and shall never be seen again." Ralph Waldo Emerson