The day finally came that the Green Machine had to be put to rest. She had a very bad addiction that I could no longer support. Yes, I had to take the Green Machine into rehab for over-dosing on motor oil. Quart after Quart I felt her slipping away and the day came when she had to be admitted. It was hard to part with her because I thought of all the road trips, the miles she dutifully carried us and the many things spilt and thrown up in her. So with a heavy heart I knew it was best for her and I so I drove her to the dealership and said my good-byes.
I know there are many of you out there who had to pick me up from automotive repair shops, stranded in parking lots and those of you who had to push her drunkin' rear out of various places. I did what was best for her and I. I could no longer be an enabler.
But while I love the idea of saving gas and the environment shopping for a Vespa was slightly out of the question. The thought of my three lovely kidlets on the back of a scooter does not quite cut it. I had to find a vehicle with the maximum amount of seats to accommodate my many mom car-pooling duties and I found a brand new Baby. Here she is in all her splendor.
(hey, who is that guy poking his head out my sunroof?)
I have the new car smell and everything but I am very stingy when people get in and sniff it all in. I am like the teenager now who will run to the store for milk. So out with the old and in with the new.