We are H-O-M-E! Yeah hoo! Tonight I sleep in my own bed with my own pillow (which you already know means a ton to me!). I am so mad at myself! We got home, unloaded, started laundry and I got the mail…as I walked in I missed the first step in the garage and came down on my knee on the concrete. OUCH! I did one of those hurt dances alone in the garage where Micky came out to find me holding back the tears. Have you ever done that dance? You hope no one is watching and think it will eliminate the pain. Well, needless to say I have a swollen knee and I am mad at myself. The hurt dance did not help one bit nor did the ice pack. Oh well, that will be bruised tomorrow.
But bottom line, we are home. The kids already asked what we are doing tomorrow and I said absolutely nothing. I am going to finally unpack my toiletries bag from this summer. HOME SWEET HOME!