I have had the pleasure of being in a number of publications that I am proud of and this latest one is one of my favorites for a few reasons.  I am honored to have an article in the latest  edition of Ramona Valley Wine Region Magazine…..



This is a wonderful publication put out for our local wineries…



I was honored to be asked to write an article and excited because it is local.  A few months ago when I had the idea of pairing my art classes with wine it meant putting myself out there and taking a risk.  It is one thing to take a risk but do do it locally means win or lose you will run into everyone in your small town which makes is particularly scary.  I am happy to say that this little idea has taken on a life of it’s own that I enjoy.  The first person I met was Teri Kerns of Ramona Ranch Winery and she jumped on the idea.  For this I am thankful.  I am thankful to everyone who has taken the classes and the additional wineries that have asked me to come to their location.

Art, Wine, and all this right in my backyard.  What more could I ask for.  Please take a moment to like them on Ramona Valley Wine Region on Facebook.  Also, please make sure to check out the budding wine community that is growing so quickly in Ramona.  If you are a winery and wish to book a class please email me at [email protected] or visit my website at www.tracyweinzapfelstudios.com.

Check out my calendar of Events & Classes here: https://tracyweinzapfelstudios.com/events/.   I will be a San Pasqual Winery & Tasting Room in La Mesa on July 26th and you can reserve your seat here:  https://tracyweinzapfelstudios.com/event/san-pasqual-july26/.


Successful people know that trusting your intuition is equivalent to trusting your true self; and the more you trust your true self, the more control you have of making your goals and dreams come true.”