I have moved on to glass projects with DecoArt Americana Multi-Surface Satin…..Metallic Gold Vase
Decorative Ball Jar drinking glasses…..
and last but not least, something for the adult beverages……
Now all I need to do is cure those in the oven for 30 minutes and they are done! Seriously they are so fast, fun and easy. Next week I head to DecoArt to share more. Time to hit fabric with these paints now! Feeling so great about all the projects coming out of the Studio and happy to share more soon!
Your children are the greatest gift life will give you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility it will place in your hands. Take time with them, and teach them to have faith in themselves by being a person they can have faith in – a person who listens – a person they can trust without question. When you are old, nothing else you’ve done will have mattered as much.”
They are all SUPER FINE!!! Don’t know how in the world you got that pattern on the metallic vase so perfect. It looks machine done it’s so perfect. And it’s gorgeous too. CLINK CHEERS – HIGH FIVE!!!!!! These are just wonderful!! j.
SO SO EASY! I will be sharing my how to’s when I get back from DecoArt!
Please do share with us how you made such beautiful glassware. I am looking forward to it!
I will be once I return from DecoArt! So fun and easy!