Resolutions? It always seems to me like people make them knowing they will eventually break them.  Instead of a yearly resolution, I choose a yearly word that will direct me and inspire me.  That one Word that reminds me of who and what I am about.  It is my focus.

In the past, I have chosen words

2016 – More
2015 – Write
2014 – Believe
2013 – Breathe
2012 – Patience
2011 – Trust

Each of these words spoke to the place I was in my life that year. My 2017 word is very much the same……direct from my brand new art journal!

What does that mean to me….it means living my life in a way that means something to me.  It is about having faith when things go south, being persistent, dreaming about the life I want to live.  Surrounding myself with positive people who support and uplift.  Showing courage to live that purpose and being true to me.  Touching lives positively even when I am not aware of it and with no expectation of return.  Overcoming the unexpected and waking up every day deciding to make the most of that day.  Do things that mean something to me with people I love and share all that this life gives you while you are on the “green side of the grass” to quote my dad.  Laugh more, move much and learn along the way.  My Art will reflect my Purpose!

One very important Purpose in my life…….being a mom.


Have you thought about a word for 2017? What is the story behind your word?

I am giving away two DecoArt Media Starter Kits in January for just sharing your word. Please share your Word and Why in the comments below AND another way to win is to share your artwork created from your word! Post your artwork in our MMM Group on Facebook:  Please go visit them on Facebook and give them a shout out and thank you!:


Also Dynasty Brush has donated two Black Gold brush kits to go with the paints!!


Prizes to be awarded Feb 1, 2017 so paint away peeps!

For 2017 I leave you with this…..


I would love to see your one Word and what it means to you!

Explore what you love and then own it completely. – If you spend your life trying to define yourself by what someone else loves, you’re going to be miserable.  Try things – try everything.  Explore.  See what makes you hear music inside and what makes your heart swell, and then go do it.  Find out everything you can about it.  Find other people who love it too.  If you waste time pretending to like something because other people you think are “cool” like it, you’re going to end up with the wrong people in your life.  Love what you love and be yourself, and you will end up with a lifestyle and relationships that make you happy.”