I am excited to share that I am part of the BADASS Art Journal 2017 team of Artists along with these fellow amazing Artists……
What does that mean? Along with these 13 other amazing artists you will be able to sign up and get video lessons from each and every one of us! You will be inspired to learn their secrets and techniques to expand and incorporate their styles into your art!
When I was asked to join the One Big Badass Art Journal 2017 by Tiara Smith and team I spent a lot of time thinking about what it meant to be a BadAss (and sorry for the language). For me, it is the inner strength that we have to endure, expand and grow from life’s experiences. As an Artist I have the honor of being able to share who I am, life’s experiences and more through my art. I share this with the hope that it will inspire others to do the same. That means sharing parts of my soul and spirit on each and every project. It is staying true to me sharing the good, the bad, and the no so pretty times. Being BadAss is about standing back up when sometimes you want to sit it out. It is about picking up that paint brush and being your authentic self! Plus, I get the added bonus of sharing that along with my fellow Artists!
Now how can you sign up? SIGN UP or tell me more. Sign up and experience videos from myself and all the BadAss Artists. I appreciate you clicking the link to sign up and am excited to share this new experience with you!
Click here to view more details
Going to work on my BadAss project!