Again I would like Painting World Magazine for giving me page space to share my creative thoughts with so many.  The June Issue features a very special article for me.

I am sharing a dedication that I know so many could write.  I wish to celebrate the amazing Doxie Keller.  I am proud to not only call her mentor but call her friend.  I don’t want to spoil the whole article but here is the first page….

I am hoping that when Doxie cracks the pages of this magazine she knows what a gem she is to so many.  I have always said she was small but mighty and I aspire to follow in her footsteps making a difference.

Thank you Doxie for being there……..I firmly believe in those big thank you’s in life.  This is mine to you.

And for those wondering, you can subscribe to this great magazine and even get it delivered digitally!  Click HERE:

Be low-key sometimes.  You don’t need to put everything on social media.  You don’t need to tell everyone about every step you’re taking.  Silently progress, and let your actions speak for themselves.”