I so don't know where to begin to even touch on the amount of travel we did this summer, 7 weeks to be exact!  Lots of people have said they wanted to see my pictures so here goes….(this is similar to your Uncle Sal who sets up the slide show in the living room so it is not too late to run).  I will try to make this as brief and painless as possible but remember you have the right to get out of the chair, go grab a cocktail or two and even run all your errands.  I will still be here when you return.

Our summer started 4 days after the kids got out of school…………I probably need to back up just a bit as pretty much #1 and #2 on my Life List has been "See Australia" and "Use my Passport".  Little did I know that an Australian man would enter my life and make that and so much more possible!  Let alone make it possible with the kids.  Many dreams coming true….

When you think of Australia what is the first thing that comes to mind………….the grocery store, right?  Ok, I know it is probably these guys…


I swear there are lots of those but for this mom the grocery store was a good place to start to experience the culture.

Grocery copy 

We learned that……

Rock Melon = Cantaloupes
Vegemite is an acquired taste and one us Americans could not acquire
Sultanas are like Raisins
Tim Tams are yummy
Rice Bubbles = Rice Krispy's
Sultana Bran = Raisin Bran
Nappies = Diapers
Jelly = Jello
Joey is a a cutie in an Aussie Hat

Another crazy thing on my List was to experience a Harley ride.  This dream was realized with Mark on June 26th.  Geared up we headed up to Wiseman's Ferry where we grabbed an Australian Beer (my new favorite, Cooper's Pale Ale) in a pub. 

Harley copy 

Am I born to ride?…….probably not but I sure do love the Harley fashions (their logo is a skull!).  It was a beautiful, scenic route where I took in the sights, scenery and smells of Australia.  Riding on a motorcycle you get to take in so many senses (fresh cut grass, panoramic views, etc.). 

And so….the Aussie Adventures have just begun.  Stay tuned……….Uncle Sal has only started and has to feed more slides into the machine. 


Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.  It is already tomorrow in Australia.  ~Charles Schulz