I am forever reminded that all things work out in the time they are supposed to work out.  You cannot force them, you may push a deadline, you may be the type who gets things done early or like me when that time is right it may be the last minute.  But they work out how they are supposed to.  Also, you cannot force creativity.  It may come, it may not or it just may need time to marinate.  So……..I as I prep for CHA, my workshop and all those I will meet at CHA I am reminded to let it go, be myself, do my thing and LOVE what I do.  It is my passion.  It may not match what others do, it may in some way but it is my path.

Right now I am trying to come up with my word for 2016 and it is not there….yet.  It will be.  My word for 2015 rings true as I write and have done a lot of it this year just sharing my little journey in this thing we call life.  It is sure not perfect but it is how it is supposed to be.  No forcing it.

Today I needed just a little time to calm my mind and make a mess in my art journal…….


and from that mess comes this……


So as we close of 2015 and my year of writing I have decided to keep it going.  Keep sharing my little gems and keep sharing what I love to do in the way I know best.  Time to bring 2015 to a close and welcome 2016.  My wish for all….

2016Write, Paint, Surprise.


Begin each day with love, grace and gratitude.  When you arise in the morning think of what an incredible privilege it is to be alive – to be, to see, to hear, to think, to love, to have something to look forward to.  Happiness is a big part of these little parts of your life; joy is simply the feeling of appreciating it all.  Realize that it’s not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.  Make a habit of noticing the goodness that’s already yours first thing in the morning, and you will see more goodness everywhere you look throughout the day.”