I get some awesome comments and feedback that I truly appreciate. This email came in and it took me moments to respond as it needed time..
I sooo loved your post today. I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to send you a small personal note. Your journey hasn’t been easy but then you wouldn’t be the precious person you are without the walk you have taken.
Life and artwork – side by side – hand in hand… silly as it seems, for you, it is so true. Watching you create is the best example of the way you live your life… Determined but cautious. Walking into the unknown… pushing through the challenges and persevering. Just look at a video or watching you in person – the artwork and life comparison is so clear.
Here is what I mean: 1. You start – open to ideas, suggestions, colors. 2. You stencil a bit, you stamp a bit, you dab a bit, you erase a bit, and blend it all together. 3. Dry it. Talk a bit. Wait. 4. Step forward again – a petal here, a leaf there, OOPS – giggle a bit – erase or paint over that one… determined to make it work – to push thru – so you start again. 5. Another petal, stem, a shape – hold, review, accept. 6. Next path… contemplate… question… then perhaps add a word, a phrase…. what does it mean, where should it go, who is it for? Or maybe nothing is better. Decision made. 7. Dry and varnish – imperfections covered and/or accepted. Phase completed. 8. Tread through time until… 9. the next step on the journey of art and life!
Whether it be a painting/creating, editing, filming, teaching, or working/playing with friends/family – it’s all the same. Start – dabble – step back – erase – giggle (love your giggle) – step forward – touch a life here, and there. Hold. Review. Decide. Start again!!!!
I love this post – it is just so true – all of it. And it encourages all of us. I have a couple of very small dreams for my artwork. Watching you makes me believe that they could be possible one day. You would laugh if I told you one of them and you would say – just do it. It’s such a small thing. I will one of these days when I know it’s right! Anyway – the point is that ‘through it all’ YOU are touching lives and encouraging people to grow and change and believe in themselves because you are just YOU. You are REAL and you give us your heart willingly. You are an amazing person to watch and I am thankful that you are in my life. I doubt we will ever meet but never doubt that your heart’s love is shining into lives all over the world. It IS. And yes… you are right where you are supposed to be even if it’s not always perfect – it’s right! ❤j
My friend and much appreciate moderator of Mixed Media Monday, Lori posted this the other day……
Throw Back Thursday – last MMM we had a long conversation on chat about me forcing Tracy to work outside her comfort zone. Monday I made her paint a poinsettia. The first time I enforced my will to get her out of her comfort zone, she painted a palm tree. She hasn’t let me forget it since. Were you around two years ago? Did you paint a palm tree? Share your palm tree below to walk down memory lane right before Tracy takes her big vacation to the tropics. If you were not around, then paint a palm tree now and share. Here is the one I did. Hopefully Tracy will share hers too.
It reminds me to keep my feet on the ground, doing what I love and sharing the good, the bad and the ugly. (trust me that palm tree was not good….it was real). So many things tried and ideas that have grown from those Monday’s. It has been my grounding and basis for all I love.
So to my Moderators I thank you for keeping the wheels in motion. For answering questions when I was in the “Zone”. To all those who are a part of the Mixed Media Monday Community I thank you……
Let’s keep on painting ! I will see tonight LIVE for creativity, inspiration and an art-filled community!
Let things be less than perfect. Do not dwell so much on creating your perfect life that you forget to live a great one.”
You give so many the hope and encouragement that they need to push ahead. I hope that you know that if your own “tank” is ever running low that you have someone here that will gladly refill it for you!
Just a phone call or text away!
“See” you tonight for MMM!
Blessing and Hugs!
You are the best Mary! right now just a case by case basis of stuff going on 🙂 And working on something I would need help with…let you know soon 🙂