I am proud to be providing a special feature to Painting World Magazine.  The first issue, June was shipped and so proud to see my artwork in the centerfold (ok, not exactly with the staple in my belly but something my parents can show off).  46 and I made the centerfold….next I am shooting for the cover!  A girl can dream!


Make sure to sign up by July 1 as the August issue sneak peek is already out and yours truly has article on taking your art journal to home decor……


Click here to subscribe:  https://paintingworldmag.com/collections/subscriptions/products/1-year-subscription-to-painting-world-magazine-082016

I am also proud to say that Painting World Magazine is a sponsor of Ministry of Mixology – Chicago!  We appreciate their support!

One of the most rewarding and important moments in life is the moment you finally find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.  When you stop worrying and complaining about what you can’t control, you have more time to change the things you can control.  And that changes everything.”