We stayed home today to get a day of rest before we take the jet skis to the ocean tomorrow.  While the kids built forts, painted, and did their own thing I got some work done.  I love this time of year.  I can wake up an hour later or so so I can stay up later and put some solid hours in my studio.  I love the creative push to CHA Summer.  This is the time where I live my dream.  Where I glue, cut, and scrapbook until my finger nail polish is gone and my fingers are tired.  Every day I get new boxes in the mail with the latest, greatest and pre-released products for the upcoming show.  I get to say that I am paid to glue things.  Someone pinch me and wake me up from this dream.  My studio has things all over the floor, my desk and at my feet.
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I also have a postal center at my other desk where I address the boxes and mail them out.

Less than one month to go.  I can only share projects when companies approve the sneak-peak so some I will show after CHA.  Here is another one for Button’s Galore….I made this from three small canvases and bound them together with Ribbon (from The Ribbon’s House of course!):
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I also spent this weekend refreshing myself on the projects that I will be teaching for Helmar (Booth #3029).  PLEASE stop by if you are in Chicago.  My schedule is packed and I would love to see you.  These are the two projects I will be teaching. 
The Aussie Bush Tucker Mini Book:
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And this Aussie Cookbook
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All I need is an Australian accent and I am set.  I am working on that as I glue "G’Day Mate"……nope, just does not work.  I will just stick with my Michigan accent.