Two more projects for Best Creation.  If you are not familiar with their products you are missing out!

Today was all about work, running errands, and getting some groceries for the fam to gnaw on while I am away.  The kids and I also went out for a yummy "Linner" (Late Lunch/Early Dinner a.k.a. a way out of mom cooking dinner). Sometimes I think the preparation to leave takes more energy than the trip itself.  I need a vacation from my vacation.  I look forward to stepping on that plane and taking a 4.5 hour nap. I hope the people I am lodged between don’t mind me snoring on their shoulders.  And do not think for a second that has not happened before LOL.

I need a good book to read?  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Please leave a comment or email me [email protected].  I have had a problem finding something good to sink my teeth in.  I could use a good summer read.