A couple of weeks ago I was looking for a volunteer opportunity for the family and I came upon the San Diego Food Bank .  I signed us up for today for the whole family to volunteer.  I thought it was important to show the kids about giving back and help them appreciate how fortunate we are especially around the holidays. 

We showed up for our 9-Noon shift and we were assigned to sorting food items into boxes.  It was hard work but very fulfilling.  The kids did great and only asked what time it was 6 times. 


We worked hard and met some nice people.  When all was said and done the director said we had moved and sorted over 30,000 lbs of food!  That was a fulfilling feeling.  It made us all more aware about donating ones time and also about donating those perisible food items. 

Needless to say that sorting food on an empty stomach was no easy task but we all kind of felt canned-fooded out when we were done……

DSCF0452a We will be making this a tradition.


"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude."  ~Cynthia Ozick