Day Two of The Women's Conference we did not have tickets for the morning session but once I heard it was mostly political and you had to be there at 6:30 am I was at peace with that.  Funny how an early rise can affect my decisions.

We did however have tickets for The Grand Finale – The 2010 Minerva Awards.  After a ton of chaos, mismanaged security lines, and impatient women (who heard Oprah was going to be there and the crazy estrogen kicked in) the four of us (Leia, Christine, Susan and myself) had GREAT SEATS, front row balcony.  It was a wonderful vantage point for an evening of some inspiring women. 

Awards were given to:

  • Carolyn Blashek – started Operation Gratitude
  • Oral Lee Brown – founder of the Oral Lee Brown Foundation
  • Sister Terry Dodge – runs Crossroads
  • The honorable Sandra Day O'Connor – first woman to serve on the Supreme Court
  • Oprah Winfrey

Listening to the stories of these women who had an idea, acted upon them and stopped for nobody was moving to say the least.  We also got to see hear from Mary Jay Blige and Sarah MacLaclan sang. 

Thanks Leai, Christine (great to meet you!) and Susan!  What a great evening! 


Dont fear to ask.  They can't say "yes" unless you do. And the worst they can do is say "no". ~ Carolyn Blashek