I just returned from CCSA (Contemporary Ceramic Studios Association) Show in St. Charles, MO with DecoArt!  I want to share some of the fun we had at this Show.  This show highlights DecoArt’s Social Artworking program.  Team DecoArt…..Cindy, Tracy and Sharon:


Welcome to our booth…


I had the pleasure of demonstrating DecoArt Americana Mult-Surface Satin which works on a variety of surfaces and comes in awesome colors:


The highlight for me was teaching a Social Artworking class that was a ton of fun!


Here is a re-cap of the entire show in pictures and video HERE including a close up of all the pieces I painted .

I want to thank all who I met and talked to.  It was an awesome show that unfortunately ended on a sour note with a slip and fall in the restroom that left a lasting scar as a reminder of this wonderful opportunity.  I truly believe that opportunities in business are blessings, learning experiences and gifts from above.  I was unable to teach my final class due to swelling and stitches but I invite all to email me at tweinzapfel@decoart.com with any questions you may have.  This was my first time ever missing a teaching opportunity and that was a tough pill to swallow to end this fabulous Show!  But trust me…no one wanted to see Humpty Dumpty but she is coming back together again! (special thanks to my co-workers and my personal nurse/friend Cindy who took good special care of me for the remainder of my trip. ♥).

For more information on becoming a DecoArt Social Artworking Teacher visit www.social-artworking.com.  Thank you CCSA for the warm welcome!