Wow, another holiday behind us.  I love the holiday traditions and get way into it with the kids (maybe too much).  Easter is one such holiday!  The twins believe in that furry bunny hopping down the bunny trail so it is still a lot of fun!  (Of course, this year Joey asked how he carried all those baskets and the boogie boards they got so he is getting keen to things). 

As is our usual tradition Saturday we went to the church Egg Hunt on their future site down the street from us.  They had over 4000 eggs! 


Sunday the Easter Bunny made his usual stopover with boogie boards for the twins and and new XBox headphones for Tyler….


of course at age 13 the 6 am wake up call is no longer as exciting (I have to agree with him)!

Then there was church and after that of course egg decorating. 


I absolutely love those holiday traditions and I hope they induldge me for as long as possible and carry them on… 


This bunny was absolutely tuckered out and was happy to store those baskets for another year.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.


"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life."  ~S.D. Gordon