Today's Facebook post…

"Hello Jim……..I would like to re-introduce myself. I am Tracy, I know we have not seen one another in while and I would like you to go easy on me. Let's take it slow and not rush into things. Don't make me regret you in the morning. Ok? Did I say Jim………..I mean GYM!"

That pretty much sums up my love/hate relationship with the gym but it is time….time to get myself moving again! I love my outdoor time hiking but sometimes you need more.

So I dragged my rear to the gym and it felt like an awkward bad first date…The anxiety of going to the place, how far does he think this will go, is there chemistry (darn treadmill is smarter than me!), looking at those around you (in this case the muscle knucklehead on a steep incline sweating uncontrollably), wanting to eat more but you can't (hence why you ended up here in the first place!), wanting something to drink other than water! Hoping your girlfriend calls in the middle so you have an excuse to leave…smiling even though you are bored out of your mind. Wondering if your butt looks too big (again, may be why you are here), thinking there is a weird smell in the air……oh the madness of this all!  Hoping he does not call again…lol. Yes this "Gym" was hard to return to. 

But all in all it was good….I walked over 2 miles (again, did not want to rush this date) and rode the bike for over 5 miles.  Ending this date with a smile and waved Adios to "Gym"….wondering when we will meet again.  He may call for a second date but I am undecided……..kinda wish he would send flowers……(and chocolates and bacon!)

Keep on keepin' on!

Up-dated from my iPhone


Hello Jim...

Hello Jim...

Hello Jim...

Hello Jim...

Hello Jim...