Halloween has to be one of my most favorite holidays!  I love skulls, witches, goblins, the colors and the whole spirit of it.  For a very long time from college to my late 20's I had lost that spirit….something I did not talk about for a long time.  The holiday held memories of my best friend who as uncomfortable it is for me to say took her own life on Halloween.  That left an empty feeling in me that lifted the spirit right out of me for a very long time. Then kids came along and once again the fun of the holiday returned for me.  It makes me value those opportunities that I have to experience in life such as Halloween.  Maybe this and Christmas I take a little too far but I love it! 

This year as the twins are 9 and Tyler is 14 and for the first time I did not have to buy him a costume it made me think I better take advantage of every moment.  So off with Halloween we go…………

My sweet Mad Hatter…….

TWB_2803aMy penguin who just makes me smile…..

The twins…….

and all that hard work on those candy bags paid off……..

Yesturday I spoke with a friend who found out she does not have cancer and she said the "Doctor found my spirit".  No, he did not……….she had it all the time.  We chatted and she has such relief but I know she had the spirit to fight it and now the spirit to put this scare behind her.  Thanks Jenny for our chat. 

I too found my Halloween spirit again………….it was there all the time but things in life happen.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN all!  Enjoy the spirit of this holiday!


"Enjoy life. Show down, Laugh." ~Rita Wilson