I am so glad to be home and back with my kiddos and The Furball (who missed me).  Everyone is back in my nest and for that I am grateful.  It has been a busy past week and thankful to all who kept my village running.  When you take that time off to be where you are needed you return feeling refreshed and happy. I just want to share some photos from the past week that mean a ton to me…..

The Falzon children and cousins 002

These are my cousins and brother.  We could not remember the last time we were all together.  

And here are three people from where we come from.  My Mom, Uncle and Aunt….

The Falzon children and cousins 006

So as I take on the next few days catching up and trying to get my three kids ready for school I will remember all they did for us.  The small stuff just don't matter that much.  The mile long list of things to do will work out and I will get them done.  Back to my kids, dog, walking, taking care of myself, being a mom, and back to work and most importantly my STUDIO!  

Last but not least….thank you all for all the cards, messages, emails, texts and more that I have recieved.  WOW!!!  It sure all means a lot to me.  It is great to be Home Sweet Home! ♥

"Family and close friends are at the top. Nurture your important relationships in such a way that when you tell the people you care about that you care about them, you’re simply reinforcing what they already know based on how you have prioritized them into your life.  Give them your full attention.  Let them see their own beauty in your eyes.  Let them find their own voice through your listening ears.  Help them discover their own greatness in your presence.  Make the people you love a top priority, always."