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I was recently interviewed for Karen Kalis’ series Savvy Solopreneur:  How to Discover Your Purpose, Find Your Passion and Define Your Niche So You Can Create a Business and Life You Love.  It was fun to talk about making passion a business and life mission.  Here is my interview that went live on April 3rd:

Listening back to my interview reminds me of how purpose driven I am and how much that means to me.  You can hear it HERE:

This past month I also had the pleasure of being asked to attend our local high school’s career day. I originally laughed when asked (me..mold the youth of our society?!!)  and then thought about my path.  Maybe I did have some valuable insights to talk to the teenagers.  We talked about the importance of social media and I even had to laugh when I thought back to high school and college where we did not even have the internet!  It was a great way to volunteer and look at the road behind me.


Plus I got to do it with some of my closest friends and fellow “professionals”


Yes, our local news was there and I made it…well part of me did (my backside!)…..


I guess the moral of the story is work your rear off and…..


It is not easy…….there are lots of obstacles and bumps in the road.  You have to be willing to step out and move forward.  Each step is a scary one ♥

The situation does not determine your response.  YOU determine your response.  Take a moment now to pause and remember who you truly are.  Take time to reflect on the things that have real and lasting meaning in your life.”