When I was not looking this suddenly happened….the first day of 8th grade for the twins!


The hummingbird hub has grown considerably!


The landscaping project is going on!


Happy to say the Studio is nearly back together and has a new view and TV (catching up on Bravo as we speak!)


and my head is nearly put back together…after my little fall in St. Louis (yes I am OK).  Thank you for all the messages and love!  Keeping it real here and life is not always pretty….

tracy1Go figure…….life in the fast lane around here and kinda ready for this summer to be over.  There are those seasons you feel just slipped by and this summer was one of them.  The note it started on was not a good one by losing a dear friend.  Now we are settling into the new season and I am counting my blessings.  Yes I fell…but there is always those who have it worse, people face much more in their lives, my nose is intact, my teeth are still there and this too shall pass.  In the meantime I am ready to take on a new season….return to my art which soothes my soul and be thankful for all I have!
