Every Monday I have good intentions of having a plan, coming up with a rough draft, having a theme, etc. but the day just gets away from me.  This is what I know for sure…….this past Mixed Media Monday was needed.  I have had zero time to be creative, I can feel myself well up with stress and this week have decided it is time to say “No” to a few things.  I cannot do it all.  This past weekend I was at a show and I ran into Susie who suggested something with napkins.  That was on my mind because 5 minutes before showtime I grabbed my napkin collection (doesn’t everyone have one?)   Here is the piece I painted LIVE using napkins as my background base:


MATERIALS LIST:  Paper-Strathmore Mixed Media Vellum Surface, Acrylic Paints – Decoart Americana ( Foliage Green, White Wash, Wild Orchid, Santa Red, Primary Yellow, Pansy Lavender, Hauser Medium Green, Canyon Orange), Gesso – DecoArtDecoupage – DecoArtBrush Cleaner – DecoArt, Stencils – The Crafter’s Workshop (Wild Flowers)Palette Paper – DecoArt,  Pens – Uniball Signo WhiteDecoart Black Canvas Marker, Sharpie Twin Tip, Other – Charcoal PencilDecoArt Varnish (Gloss).  Brushes – 3/4″ Flat DecoArt
Remember if you are not logged in you cannot participate in the chat live.  It is FREE and FUN!  Truly this is an amazing group of women (and husbands who watch!)  If you missed the recording you can catch it 

The devil was in the details and I enjoyed seeing this technique mold into my own style:

PURCHASE ORIGINAL PAINTING HERE.   Thank you to all who are purchasing my original paintings!

Remember to join our Facebook Group:  Mixed Media Mondays with Tracy Weinzapfel for more inspiration.  Remember we are off next Monday for my sports travel and Memorial Day.  Enjoy!  We will be back June 2nd!  ♥

Think… If you truly wanted to be excited right now, what could you get excited about?  Find it and focus on it more often.  When you truly believe in what you’re doing, it shows and it pays.  Success in life is for those who are excited about where they’re going.”