The other night Joey asked me to bake…which is kind of like asking me to build a nuclear powered submarine but what the heck. It is never too late to pick up a new skill so into the kitchen we went to bake banana bread (had black banana's that were just calling for it).
We went at it and Joey followed the receipe intently. I let him run the show (becuase God only knows me running a baking operation is not gonna get us too far)……
we even had an audience who was waiting for us to drop some goodies for her (personally I think she has some animal instinct that told her me baking something would be something only a dog would eat)…
By how dry that bread turned out I should have tried building that nuclear powred sub….but I pretended it tasted good. The twins were not so great at pretending and tole me to go sit down while they cooked dinner…..
Hah! My master planned worked and I have two more aspiring cooks in the kitchen. Now I will have more time to build those nuclear powered subs (that mind you will be painted in very pretty colors to inspire the enemy!)
"Enjoy life. Show down. Laugh" ~Rita Wilson