It’s May and you know what that means……BIRTHDAY celebrations! My annual month of birthday GIVEAWAYS is back – and it’s bigger and better than EVER with 13 fantastic prizes!!!
We’re kicking off today with some of favorite products – a Starter Kit from DecoArt Media. This box of goodies is packed with a selection of paints and mediums for you to try and you can make a huge amount of projects with just what’s in this box!
Leave a comment on this blog post and/or on my Facebook Page letting me know what tops your birthday wish list this year. I know at 46 mine is quite simple….it’s not about the material stuff but the wish to spend quality time living and loving and knowing that no matter what you are going through in life it works out one way or the other. 46 years wise has shown me that. (but if an iphone watch happens to pop on my wrist too that is cool 🙂 If you care to share my Facebook page with your friends I would sure appreciate that!
I’d like to share some art that I’ve created using these amazing products – but that would be a huge portfolio! Here is a small sampling…
Special thanks goes to…
I can’t do these giveaways without the fantastic support of all the companies who get involved, so I’d love it if you’d show your appreciation by visiting our sponsors online and letting them know Tracy Weinzapfel sent you! DecoArt Facebook page: www.facebook.com/DecoArtMixedMedia
Make sure to also visit them at DecoArt Website: decoart.com and the DecoArt Media blog: decoart.com/mixedmediablog for a ton more inspiration!
My birthday wish is for my sister-in-law to beat cancer.
oh mine too now ♥
Happy Birth Month 🙂
As I will be turning 49 this summer, I think on of the things at the top of my wish list is to be able to keep playing soccer a few more years. LOL.
Happy pre-birthday! My birthday was the end of March and my wish was/is to accept/adjust to living with a new disability… (I’ve lost the use of my left hand.) and do something crafty/creative every day! Your recent MMM videos have been very inspiring and motivating for me. Thank you!
I love that Nan ♥ means so much!
I have already had my Birthday this year (69), and our daughter put money into my account to pay for another online mixed media course. She said that she wanted to see more of my happy face when she facetimes with me, I am in the habit of popping her on the table whilst doing my “homework” from the course that I have been on since the beginning of the year. I would love to win the goodies, as I keep looking at the decoart media range as a collection that I would love to have and use. I watch all the utube videos I can find to help me and I so enjoy having you in my livingroom Tracy while I get messy lols, you cheer me up on a blustery, cold day.xx
For my 46th birthday in September I’m wanting time with family & friends and a little crafting
My birthday has come and gone this year (January), but I have everything I need, and a wonderful vacation planned for next week!
Enjoy your time with your dear ones 🙂 Yes, that tops everything! Still, material is an easy way to make me a gift I enjoy without being too complicated (even though a lot of family members still seem to have problems even with that, I am the person in my family for whom gift shopping is the easiest of all of us… I guess it is just the way it is ;)). On my list are always some crafting material, but also a new handbag (every two years or so my step mother buys me a gorgeous new one, and it also needs to be changed every two years since I sue it for everywhere, in the city, going by bike, whatever). And also kitchen “stuff” that is rather high quality and a little bit expensive for myself…
I just celebrated my 47th birthday a week ago and all I wanted was to spend time with those I love. I’ve lost a couple people this past year and it made me realize even more how important it is to be with those you hold dear.
Living each day to the fullest. Spending time with family and friends , painting, reading and taking time “to smell the roses”
I just passed my 66th birthday. This year I celebrate who I have become with my wonderful journey of life. I no longer need those material things that are supposed to be part of our lives. I love passing into my creative time of life with all that I am learning with art processes. I embrace the creative me…the one who enjoys the moment of where I am. That said, art supplies as a gift are always welcome.
Happy Birthday Tracy. Getting to spend time with my son and his family this year tops my list.
Happy Birthday Month Tracy….my birthday wish this year would be to just go somewhere fun….fishing if possible but nothing fancy, just a simple quiet day fishing with friends and laughing and treats of course!!!
I have found in my 50+++++ years that I don’t really need or want anything- but I do find such joy in painting and sketching ( although) I’m not very good at it). So any art supplies would be on my wish list.
Happy Birthday. You are a true inspiration.
My Birthday wish this year is to continue towards some goals I have. These goals will make me happier and I feel a better person.
We share a birthday month! Mine is in 3 days, and at age 54 (almost) my wish for this birthday and many more to come is just to spend time with my son, and friends. Oh, and especially for this birthday, my wish is that I will make enough to pay my sons tuition at University of Oregon! Go Ducks!
Happy birthday Tracy! Hope your month is awesome!
This year I turn 43 and all I want is 3 or 4 days at the beach with my husband, dogs, and art supplies. No phones, tv, or noise. It might happen who knows!
As a new mixed media artist, I have wished and wished for this kit as an introduction to different techniques for over a year. It is on my birthday as well as Christmas wish list.
Mixed Media Monday is always great to watch. I especially like the brightness of the projects because Tracy’s happiness always shines through her pieces.
Thank you for taking the time to share!
Happy Birthday! I just want time with my family and if it is at the beach, that is great too.
Happy Birthday Tracy! Mine is Tuesday! Love all of your art. Would love to win this starter kit. I am thankful to still be painting. Painting is at the top of my list. It gives me lots of joy.
well happy early birthday to you!
I am with you, a lot of years older than you but more and more it is about spending time with family and friends. They are the true joys of life.
What a fabulous giveaway and a very Happy Birthday to you. My wish would be for good health. I have M.E and hope that as each year passes it will improve!
I guess my top wish would be to travel somewhere with my family.
The top of my wish list is good health and happiness for my family and friends. Although I wouldn’t turn down some new DecoArt products!
Happy Birthday Tracy!!
My birthday wish is more time with family. A vacation together with our small, but scattered bunch would be amazing.
Love your creations. 🙂
Happy Birthday Month Tracy! Retirement health is my birthday wish but if in addition I won something from you, well, that’d be really swell too!!
I just had my 55th birthday last week and my only wish is that my husband is healthy and safe. He has been going through some mental illness a little over a year now. Even with all that he still encouraged my art.
Happy Birthday Month Tracy! Retirement health is my birthday wish but if in addition I won something from you, well, that’d be really swell too!! As always, THANKS for all these chances to win!!!
My birthday wishto inspire others to create.
Retirement health is my birthday wish but if in addition I won something from you, well, that’d be really swell too!! As always, THANKS for all these chances to win & happy birthday month Tracy!!!
My birthday wish is for retirement health!! Happy Birthday Month Tracy!
Happy Birthday Month Tracy! 🙂
My birthday wish is to be able to have just a little more time to create.
Happy Birthday Tracy! My wish is that my oldest granddaughter has a safe and blessed mission trip to Japan which is two weeks after she graduates from high school! And that my youngest grandchild, a boy, with Downs Syndrome, will be able to sit up on his own by his first birthday June 18!
A vacation to somewhere warm is on my list
Hopefully looking forward to retirement with my next Birthday. And, spending more time with my famiy.
That somebody would emerge from the ashes (or ascend from heaven) that would be our new upcoming president worthy of running our incredible nation. God is still on the throne. TYJ!
My wish is to spend more time creating art.
I turn 68 in October. My birthday wish is to fill up my blank art journals with some art created just to make me happy. Would love to win this prize and thank you for sharing your art journey with us. Happy birthday Tracy!
My wish is that get one step closer to loving each other in spite of our differences. And that I always treat others with kindness and compassion. Happy Birthday month Tracy! And Deco Art has been my choice for over 20 years and they just get better and better!
Happy Birthday Month Tracy!! My birthday wish is always for retirement health!!
OOOOPPPPSS!! I kept getting the message that my comment wasn’t accepted so I kept trying and trying and trying–every one of my tries were posted!! I tried to remove the extras but not working. SO SORRY!!
I have need of nothing, so to spend my birthday in the mountains with those I care about the most would be an awesome birthday.
My wish would be to accept the health conditions & losses in life I have been dealt & to find peace. I have been doing that somewhat with doing art & coloring. Would love to try some new things with these products.
First let me say Happy Birthday!!
My birthday wish has been the same wish for 4 years, for my daughter to get pregnant!! It is her biggest dream to be a mom. As a mom the best things in life are your families health and happiness!!
I wish you many happy days ahead with your loved ones!!
Happy Birthday Month Tracy! May you have many many many more Blessed Birthdays to celebrate with us. I will be 60 next month and I would love to Top it off with a new Blog & Website design. Been trying for years to finish it but I am not a Web designer mind, I would totally . But deep down in my heart, I would totally love to have your studio set up, Tracy.
Happy birthday month Tracy’s! Funny, my friends and I usually celebrate for a month sometimes more. We all travel and work and life keeps is apart sometimes. Good to see you doing it too. My wish is to find a part time job to help pay for arts supplies. Then I can order more deco art supplies.
My birthday wish is for my family to be together and happy and healthy!
My 55th birthday is on Wednesday. There isn’t anything I want or need, but I would like my children and grandchildren to be happy and healthy and to just enjoy their lives rather than always worrying about what they ‘need’ to buy next! Happy birthday to you Tracy 🙂
My birthday is the 6th, I will be 43. I’m still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up. My wish is to be able to find the time, no make the time, to create every day.
me too Krisa ♥
I have been blessed with such an amazing family and circle of friends who have all been there to help me through all the roadblocks that occur while traveling this road called Life … !
Happy Birthday month to you! Does this means you get to eat cake everyday? If so, I want a birthday month! LOL!
Top of my list is health, Love and happiness!
and Cake!
cake for all! please hold the frosting on mine 🙂
I have been watching a lot of your videos. I am signed up to take a class from you at the Oklahoma Palooza and I am very excited.
awesome Beverly! I cannot wait to paint with you!
My 65th birthday is in a few weeks, and I will be going to Maui for my FIRST Intuitive Painting Workshop. It’s never too late to discover something you really love to do.
My birthday wish is to see more of my family.
My birthday wish is that all whom I know and love have a healthy and happy year!
ciao tracy. Scrivo dall’italia pur sapendo che non sarà possibile per me vincere il tuo premio! Scrivo perchè adoro le tue creazioni e trovo troppo simpatica e generosa questa tua iniziativa. Scrivo perchè meriti di trovare sempre mille-mila commenti sul tuo blog. Scrivo perchè voglio dirti che mi diverte seguirti.
Ho 50 anni e per il mio compleanno desidero solo la salute. 😀
Sembra poca cosa….ma non lo è!
Un bacio
Happy Birthday month to you! My birthday wish for this year is to just have another healthy year.
My birthday wish is that my dad gets stronger after defeating bladder cancer and just having one hip replacement. Hope he can live out the rest of his life active and without pain!
Happy birthday month! I celebrate mine all July long….Any purchase that month is a birthday present! I am thankful for relatively good health this birthday year, as the years creep up, the more grateful you are for the small things. My wish is the same for all my family and friends.
My birthday wish would be a family trip to Boston! Honestly, thankful for another year with my family!
I will be 47 a month from now. I have just started out life on my own again with my 6 yr old. My wish is that i can make this transition easier for him and fill his day with sunshine.
Happy birthday month! My own birthday wish this year was to appreciate spending time with family and friends, and spending more time allowing my creativity to take a more significant place in my everyday life. I’ve enjoyed MMM when I have had the time to watch. Thanks for what you do!
I just had my birthday I just wanted time with my adult kids and grandson, and that’s what I got.
Birthday wish is for there to be a cure for breast cancer, and all cancer so that we don’t have to watch our children suffer.
Happy Birthday, Tracy! I hope the whole month brings you everything you wish for and more. My birthday wish is that my family should stay healthy and that I am able to be right here with them to help with whatever they need. Also that I can create something beautiful every day!
My birthday has come and gone..March2 my wish is to survive the next 5 years! I have twin 14 (TEEN) year old daughters and might I add they are a hormonal handful lol!
I have 14 year old twins too Tracy! Boy and girl so I read you loud and clear!
My birthday wish is another dog! This house is too empty with only Two! And a new bike, with a basket and streamers on the handlebars.
lol…cute! I want a bike like that too 🙂
Yay!!! Loving the celebration for your birthday .. You hit it right on the nail. As tempting as material things are… Time is the most precious thing we have. Just to spend time with our families is my biggest wish. I’ve been away from my family for a while now. I speak to them on the phone but it’s not the same as seeing them. Being in their presence. I miss that. And one day when I do have the money, home is where I will go. And I’m not gonna lie… When I do get there.. I’m gonna ball like a baby, just to see them will fill my heart with so much happiness.
Already had my birthday this year. I usually just want more time with my kids. They are married and off on their own and I miss them! One is close, one is far. Cherish these times Tracy!! Wishing you a fun filled month and year! Many congrats on all your successes!!
My birthday wish is that me and my cats remain healthy and happy.
What a great giveaway…we should be giving you presents…I have been blessed with all I could want. With that being said my birthday wish is for my children and their children to be happy and healthy. Have a blessed and happy birthday.
happy birthday month to you, allready had my birthday this year, and I really have no real wishlist, kids are doing great and we are all healthy, I have a nice little craftroom and 3 cats….so what else could I wish for 🙂
oh I know sunshine (winter seems to have a hardtime in saying goodbye here lol)
To live each day to the fullest and enjoy time with my family.
Always love your excitement and generous give aways in honor of your birthday (month).
I was always told that if you say your wish out loud, it would not come true. I’m not sure if typing it counts so, I will just say that I hope you get that iPhone watch and I pray someone is teleconnected to my thoughts …haha
The one thing I want is a beautiful vacation with my husband after our cross-country move next month. Not much to ask. 😉
I wish for peace every year, for my family, my friends, my fellow human beings. Some may say I’m a dreamer… But I’m not the only one.
My birthday is tomorrow and I am so grateful I’ve had my Mom in my life for soon to be 57 years. We are on borrowed time and hoping to celebrate her birthday the 22 of this month!
Good health, so we can continue to live in our wild rural home.
Happy birthday month! My wish is to let it be.
Happy May Day!! What a beautiful day here in Sebastian , FL! And what a great day to win a box full of Media line paints! I have not tried them yet but sure would love to!????
Happy Birthday Tracy! I turned 65 this past March. I am looking forward to retiring this year and hopefully creating some mixed media art projects. I have been watching your art videos and many
others. Thank you for all your inspiration.
At first when it is my birthday, I am thankful that I have been able to be a year older (2 times been seriously ill (life-threatening))
I have already had my Birthday this year (februari, 44). My wish was that my grandmother (87) could come celebrate my birthday with me. (Unfortunately she felt sick that day)
When someone asked what I want for a birthdaygift, my answer was, art supplies please 🙂
Tracy, I wish you a Happy Birthday!!!
If I’m making a seriou birthday wish it will be for this summer to be totally relaxing and as stress free as it can be. It would also be that we get my hubbys diabetes under control and his cancer is not back.
Happy Birthday month Tracy hoping you get all you dream about!
i hope for the same for you sweet sheila!
Happy Birthday month Tracy!!!
Anything crafty is what tops my birthday list every year…
My birthday wish is health and happiness for all.
Happy BDay month! My desire is unlimited art supplies and enough art space!
Wishing you the BEST Birthday Month ever Tracy!!!!! I have lots of time to complete my wish list for this year (Dec. 24) lol. So far my list mainly consists of being so thankful for my village of friends (old and new) that surround me and encourage my creativity. Love your MMM & your fun nature. Thanks for being you.
My birthday was last month, so it has come & gone…nearing 70 …egads! My birthday wish is/was to have some healthy years left to do some more art & would love the Media Paints. I try & catch your MMM every week but teach ceramics Monday nights & sometimes I forget or sign in late 😉 thank goodness for catch up Tuesday when I can watch your previous night’s class! You are an inspiration to a lot of people Tracy, especially your carefree designing – you make it look so easy & fun!
Happy Birthday! I wish for more time for making art.
I (shhhhhh) turning 40 this year and just want to spend my time with family. Every day is a blessing.
Happy kick off to your birthday month yippee.
My birthday wish is to live to have another birthday.
My boys are all over the map these days so my best birthday wish is to have all 4 of my boys together one more time. It has been way too many years since they were all here at the same time.
Happy Birthday Tracy! What an awesome giveaway. My birthday wish is being able to go to the beach.
Happy Birthday to all you May birthday people! Mine is in August, last August I lost my son and mother. I can’t say I will celebrate much. But I just want to do my crafting, create and learn as much as I can.
that sounds lovely Daria and so sorry for your losses ♥
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will be 61 in September….My wish…to win the lottery. Even if its 10 Bucks…HAHAHAH! TY
Happy Birthday Week! My birthday wish will be for a healthy family!
Happy birthday, Tracy, fellow may baby! I think my wish is for someone deserving to win this prize as I think I got this at Paint-a-Palooza. I love my set, so someone else should love it too.
Happy, Happy Birthday Tracy!! Wishing you a year of Love and Laughter, a year of everyday Miracles!
If I had a wish for this year it would be more time to paint and craft with you, and a chance to meet Lori and Andy! “The Shirelles” all in one place! Lol
OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I can arrange that. Do you think we could get Lori here and we do MMM live one weekend. I would LOVE THAT. Wine art and friends. I got the time!
Oh what a great idea! Live one weekend, maybe with some giveaways?? I hope Lori could come out that would be so great! Let’s talk…..we need a conference call or FaceTime with Lori …..:D
let’s suggest that tonight to her 🙂
Happy Birthday!!!
My b-day wishes to have my four grandchildren together for a photo shoot.
Happy Birthday Tracy! 😀 I had my B’day at April,turn 42 and I made my wish for next year already,make a good money so I can buy huge house for all our family,so then nobody from us will be ever affraid to loose a home.
I’ve been out of the loop the last few months, following the move to NC from FL. My birthday wish is to have my art station established once again. That and an entire turtle cheesecake to eat myself, lol!
Ps-check out my latest adventure: creating jewelry for sale with my BFF. I’d love to know what you think of our designs. Link below
Wishing a happy healthy birth and life for my first Great Grandchild, many more trips to Universal Studios with our grandchildren, and many more precious moments with my mom and dad.
Wishing a happy healthy birth and life for our first Great Grandchild, many more trips to Universal Studios with our grandchildren, and many more precious moments with my mom and dad.
Happy Birthday Month, Tracy! My birthday wish would be for the physical and mental health of my loved ones and myself. For fun, I’d also like to travel the world and eventually own the entire line of DecoArt products! 🙂
Angela aka Lady B
Happy birthday month Tracy 😀
My birthday (Feb) wish has already come true and that was for my new granddaughter to be healthy following a shaky start in life. My biggest wish is that no new mother go through the heart ache I saw my daughter go through.
On a lighter note my wish is for a sample of every Decoart product to add to my collection
The older I get I find it more important to do the things that tug at my heart. Being with my family, creating is still high on that list. Happy Birthday Tracy!!
Thank you so much Connie ♥
Happy birthday Tracey
My birthday wish for this year will be to be given the all clear from the Gestational trophoblastic disease that has taken over our lives for the last year. So I can make time for my gorgeous boys and grand children not to take for granted that we will have all the time in the world to spend time together. Time can’t wait.
♥ Cassie
Happy Birthday month – my birthday wish is always to spend time with friends and family – but I’d love some new watercolour brushes and paper if it happened to find it’s way to me!
Happy Birthday! My birthday wish would be for a drafting table.
My list this year is topped by some studio organization items. Paint storage and marker bins at the top. Thank you for the chance to win. Happy birthday month!!!
My 67th birthday will be in November and my wish is to be a blessing to someone each day. I have more than what I need so I feel that for the rest of my days being a blessing to someone I meet is a real honor and treat.
My birthday isn’t until June. I am wishing for a better place to live for my health. Big problems here. I missed you today as I am on Eastern time and was getting my third iron transfusion. Four more to go Hoping I will start to feeling some energy. They let me just about bottom out this time. I would love to win this as I can’t afford to buy. Too many doctors, tests, and medicine to pay for and not finished with them. Love the page in your journal. Glad you will share. It looks amazing. I don’t have the stencils, but could use something else, I guess. Thanks for sharing….Maggie
My birthday is also in May – on May 29th to be exact … I would like to have more time for crafting … but sometimes life just comes a bit on the way :o)
Happy Birthday Month, Tracy. And thank you for letting us share in your celebration. My birthday wish this year is that I can continue to have the freedom and health and inspiration (you are a real inspiration, Tracy!) to follow my creative bliss which brings me so much joy.
What a wonderful way to have a birthday party. A whole month of fun and friends to have a great time especially painting to go along with it. Happy Birthday lady enjoy your time on this earth. Hugs. Lynne
Happy birthday Tracy. My wish would be for more time.
My birthday was on Monday. Anymore what I want most is spending time with my family.
Happy Birthday! I’d love some more Copics and a Scan n Cut, but really there is nothing that I need.
Happy birthday month!!
My birthday wish is for my family to stay healthy and for us to spend the summer with friends and family, dialing it down after a hectic school year, and just plain having fun. Thanks for the great birthday celebration and giveaways!! Your designs are just adorable!
My birthday is this month and I’m hoping for some crafty goodies to play with. I’ve been trying to use up old stash to make room for the new!! Happy birthday Tracy!
Wishing you a happy birthday, Tracy! Nothing I really need either, but a fairy to come and organize my craft room would be most welcome!
Happy Birthday Tracy
Happy Happy Birthday Tracy????????????????My Birthday Wish was a job from my wishlist of Jobs, I was 58, 15 th April and re entering workforce after bad Health. … ???? ???? ???? 2nd May I started working YEAH !!!!!! and it was on my jobs wish list…… Dreams do come true !☆!☆!
Love the red daisies.
I’ve used a lot of DecoArts products and always have
good results.
Thanks for sharing
At 75, my list is topped by the wish I continue to stay healthy and able to get out and about – doing whatever I want when I want to do it.
My Birthday wish for this year is to have all 3 of my grandchildren and my two sons here to celebrate with me!! Happy Birthday to you!!
I’m going to be 46 this year as well and family is very important to me. I would just love to spend some quality time with them . Memories are more important than things.
Tracy you have the best part of your life ahead, I know because in June I will be three quarters of a century old and even tho my mother went to heaven 27 days ago at 102, I keep finding and discovering people like you that give me new inspirations as I travel on paths less traveled with my doggie in my travel trailer and now I even paint my some of my spots with favorite sayings of my mother. Thank you and remember each birthday is a gift so you can continue to inspire little ole ladies like me.
Love this Marilyn!!!!!!!! ♥
I turned 70 in February and am hoping to let my inner child have the freedom to explore, create and grow using my surroundings, travels and experiences to find out what my potential is with all the wonderful art supplies available in this world.
Happy Birthday Tracy. My wish is for health and happiness for my DIL .It has been a long and hard struggle for her to maintain her sunny disposition and energy for the last year or so. I want her to be her happy self again. Physical limitations have created a new life for her and I want that to be a happy one.
I have that same wish diana! Thank!
My Birthday wish came true. I got to spend time with people who love me, regardless to my limitations. Love you Tracy.
Birthday wish: To have a happy, healthy and harmonious year! Of course,…have TONS of time for creating! Happy Birthday Tracy.
On may 1st I actually thought …. it’s Tracy’s Birthday Month …… I have been with you for a long time !!! My birthday wish is that the day after my birthday I do not wake up with a new ache or pain !!!!
so sweet Annie Lou ♥
Happy Birthday! Love DecoArt!
Would love a chance to win. Thank you and your sponsors!
Happy Birthday Month Tracy! My birthday month is June! My birthday wish is to keep painting and creating with my 5 year old granddaughter. She is very creative and loves to paint and “decorate” her art pieces. A mixed media princess in the making.
Happy Birthday month Tracy… Mine is next month and although my gift is already bought (a place at Coventry for Dare to Create yay!) having lost my lovely mother last summer my wish would be to have more birthdays to spend with loved ones.
Enjoy what is left of your birthday month, look forward to meeting you in Coventry 🙂
ooh and if the craft room organising fairy isn’t too busy, I could really use a visit 😉
Happy Birthday! I think my birthday wish is to attend some new art workshops!
Happy birthday Tracy! I love your birthday month and all the great giveaways you do. I have no real material needs but my best gift is usually artwork of my 13 year old granddaughter. Family is what is important.
My Birthday wish this year was to try & enjoy each & every day. Live life to the Fullest. I know life gets in the way & we are all very busy, but having so many people passing away this year has really got me thinking that it’s extremely important to do as much as possible with family & friends. Sadly, Noone is guaranteed tomorrow. Thanks for this fun month of giveaways! ????☉????????????
Congratulations to Kelly!! Enjoy your wonderful prize package!!