Why is it your car knows exactly when you get your Christmas bonus. I swear things only break down when you get a little check in your hand. Yep the Green Expo had to go in for it’s 100,000 mile repairs. I have neglected her way too long so it was time for some TLC. I swear vehicles just know when to act up. I guess this goes along with why the BBQ propane can is always empty when you marinate steaks all night.
Not much action around here. I have not created one thing or taken a picture on almost 1 week. My camera is screaming for me. It will get a good workout when Susan, my mom and myself are head up to good ‘ole Hollywood on Thursday to see a taping of Dr. Phil. Not too crazy about him, Hollywood, or waiting in line so this should be good. We have no idea what the topic will be. This is just one of our many interesting adventures. Susan is our adventure buddy and we have no idea what is in store for us. We are going to travel around like we did last time and hopefully not discover the dumps of Hollywood like we got lost last time. Us three girls know how to do it! Rodeo Drive watch out! I will be like Julia Roberts passing all the stores who would not help me "Big mistake, Huge".