October is off to a VERY BUSY start.  There is no better way for me to have our Mixed Media Monday’s!  Yet again the busy-ness of life was not going to get in the way of our creative time together (yes, sometimes it just has to be scheduled!).   Here is what I painted LIVE…


Remember if you are not logged in you cannot participate in the chat live.  It is FREE and FUN!  Truly this is an amazing group of women (and husbands who watch!)  If you missed the recording you can catch it HERE:

PURCHASE ORIGINAL PAINTING HERE.  SOLD!  First come, first to purchase!  Thank you to all who are purchasing my original paintings!  Products used in my work can be purchased in my Shop.


Thanks so much for the record number who joined us.  Yet again I am blown away by the feedback, comments, messages and creative spirit that comes from Monday’s.  And for those who caught the un-planned after show where my nightmare of not turning off the cameras happened thanks for sharing with me.  I switched to Mom-Mode right from Artist.  LOL!  I had tears in my eyes for hours after!  The best way is to join our Mixed Media Monday Facebook Group or visit my Calendar of Events which I update daily.  See you next Monday, October 13th LIVE for Mixed Media Monday!  Free and fun to join in!