make me happy! OK, so that is not how the Carpenter’s song goes but they sure do. Today was a day of R & R. It rained all day and that is so unusual for sunny San Diego. I welcome the clouds. The kids all had today off from school so cabin fever did not hit until about 3:00 pm. Micky and Joey are still not feeling well but we managed to pass the day with a few games and we made pretzels. If you ask me, buying pretzels is a lot easier but they were good. They also did some craft projects to keep me company in my studio.
I took the day to be creative which always makes me happy. I swear the rain drops contain inspiration for me. I completed three layouts these past couple of days. All were made for Fiber Scraps. Their new Tintz are to die for.
I also heard from the couple that I photographed yesterday. There were very happy with their photos and that made my day. They have asked me to photograph their wedding in November! What a huge compliment when they said I "captured their souls". It is such a blessing to be living my passion and actually be paid for it. The fact that this has snow-balled into something bigger than I imaged really makes me thankful. Sleeping has become hard for me to do because I want to be doing something every second of the day. I guess I can just keep wishing for more rainy days.