April is here and so is Spring! This is our first Mixed Media Monday for April and what a great month it is going to be! This month is all about songs that move you. I listen to music just about all the time; in the Studio, on my walks, in the car, etc. Music surrounds me and the words move me. Last week I shared the song “One Day You Will” by Lady Antebellum that I had heard on one of my walks. I decided to use it in my art because the words were so powerful to me. Here is what I painted LIVE Monday:
MATERIALS LIST: Paper-Strathmore Mixed Media Vellum Surface, Paints (Saffron Yellow, Cool White, Lamp Black, Tangelo Orange, Calico Red), Gesso & Decoupage – DecoArt, Templages – The Crafter’s Workshop (TCW94, TCW139), Font – Wickesden Cafe NDP, Bubble Wrap, Pens – Sharpie, Uniball Signo White, and Montana Paint Pens, Stamp Ink – Memento
The Chat was alive and very sharing Monday. I always wish I could participate more but nice you all choose to share that time with me. Remember you can only chat if you are logged in. If you missed it LIVE you can catch the recording HERE:
Love was in the details and I did add some of the lyrics to the piece after we went off air:
April’s Creative Dare will be announced this week so make sure to find a song that means something to you. Thank you so much for a great night to start the week! Remember to join the Facebook Group HERE and share your MMM inspired projects! I love to see MMM-inspired ART! I will see you next Monday for the next Mixed Media Monday! April CALENDAR is up!
Sometimes a little silliness is all you need to get a better perspective of life’s greatest challenges. Silliness is the carefree, sometimes crazy, and often misunderstood stepsister of happiness. May you be a friend to both, and smile your way through life’s twists and turns. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.”