Sunday I unblocked my creative soul and released (shared about my Artist’s Block HERE). It felt good. I bought an inexpensive journal that I have now dubbed the “Let It Go” journal and if I create nothing other than an outlet of my soul then my job is done. If from it comes a piece or two I love….well then that is a bonus. So far so good. Five solid pieces were painted today. It was truly a release of my soul.
Here they are…………
I enjoyed the creative process…..
I drew from inspiration all around me like this quote Andy posted on my Facebook page and it spoke to me…
I ran with colors that just make me happy…..
This weekend gave me precious time with the kids, sports, walking the track, time with friends and Studio time. For that I am thankful. Today is Monday and we start a whole new month. May I be ever mindful of how blessed I am. Join me tonight for Mixed Media Monday!
“Giving ourselves time to create allows us to
access our inner sources of inspiration. Our lives are often filled with
routine activities that require little or no creativity. It can be easy to
become overly involved in the mundane aspects of our lives and allow our
creative activities to fall by the wayside. But when we make space for
creativity in our lives, we open ourselves to our imagination. Our ability to
make life decisions becomes infused with our inspiration, and the creative
vision of our lives expands. By exercising your talents through creative
activities today, you will fill the rest of your life with your gifts.”