This morning we headed to the ball fields at 7:00 am for the final game of the season (Amen!). I had no plans to spend the day there however the kids talked me into staying for closing ceremonies because Josh Bard, Catcher for the San Diego Padres was signing baseballs. Being the good mom I am (again AMEN!) I stay and stand in line and shoot some photos. Lo and Behold Josh (I am sure we are on a first name basis) looks up and says "Nice Lens" to me. Now for a normal female if a guy looked up and said "nice legs" or "nice smile" that would send you all aglow….however for me "Nice lens" is saying the same thing.
A quick pose for me
Saying "Hey, Nice Lens"
I think he is serenading me here
"Hey Trace, make sure you get this pitch"
So Josh, "Thank you my friend I am quite pleased with my legs, I mean LENS".