Our final Spring Break adventure found us on a train last Friday heading North up the Coast. We boarded the Surfliner Amtrak train and rode it to San Juan Capistrano to visit our dear friends Gigi and Darrell. It was a quick visit due to baseball practices, etc. but a much needed one. We left laptops and work behind and left our cares behind.
Of course, with any adventure I am a part of there has to be some snafus……..first was the entire Dr Pepper that Tyler exploded on himself. That was rather funny but very uncomfortable for him. Second, was the vehicle/train accident that happened ahead of us that caused about a 45 minute delay on the train. That was not so funny and we had the unfortunately had to pass the scene of the accident where a man took his own life on the Southbound track. Finally, was probably most traumatic for my little girl and that was locking herself in the restroom. It was Joey who found that she had locked herself in and thankfully he talked her out and she ran into my arms in tears. She was not comfortable being stuck in a small tuna can-sized room on a train and who can blame her. Needless to say she was stuck to my side for the remainder of the trip but we all took it in stride and laughed where appropriate.
We loved the train and it gave us the opportunity to relax. Sharing our trip via video…
(For those who subscribe to my blog feed and you are reading this via email click HERE TO see the video.)
The kids love going to Gramma Gigi and Papa Darrell's house because they are like second grandparents to them. Did I mention there are no rules and no one can say "No" there? Yes, it is Utopia. And for this mom of many rules it is ok to just let go and let them take over. I still run around and remind them to clean up, and give them sour looks when they get a soda but they just grin and take it all in. It is a time for R & R, naps, reading, playing games, visiting and taking in their many hugs. We all love it there.
The only problem with this trip was it was way too short. We headed back on Saturday and we were all unhappy about that.
Thank you Gigi and Darell…………..we feel so thankful to have you in our lives. Next time I promise the visit will be longer.