Part 3 of my Canson 9 X 12 Repositionable Art Journal Series this week!  I hope you caught Part 1 and Part 2.  Special thanks goes to Canson and DecoArt Media for helping me bring my art to LIFE.

Back to my beloved flowers……


In the week hours of the morning prior to going to Simple Pleasures in Colorado Springs I was hit by the painting bug….the Creative Mojo hit me and I could not stop painting. Here are two of my favorites from that night and in the book……

Lotus3 Poppy2

I think that re-caps things and let’s you know where I have been. I have had a paint brush in hand and now gearing up for England for Dare to Create at the end of this month. I hope this inspires you to create from your heart and soul for you.  You never know where that share the deepest part of you may take you!  Mine is taking me to London!

The mind is your battleground.  It’s the place where the greatest conflict resides.  It’s where half of the things you thought were going to happen, never did happen.  But if you allow these thoughts to dwell in your mind, they will succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, and ultimately your life.  You will think yourself into a nervous breakdown, into depression, and into defeat.  Because you are what you think.  And you can’t change anything if you can’t change your thinking.  A beautiful day, and thus a beautiful life, always begins with a beautiful mindset.  When you awake each morning, take a second to think about what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy.  Breathe onto the bathroom mirror, just to see how amazing your breath looks.  The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I assure you it will start to feel like one.”