I take my fitness and wellness very seriously. Pretty much anything I put my mind to I give it my all. In my 30’s I decided to put "me" first and give up those potato chips/soda/coffee and join the gym. It has been the best thing for my body and soul. I have dropped weight/gained muscle and made new friends. So every day I try to fit that fitness in and feel great. Then I take off the last 2 weeks, have a few margaritas, eat all the chocolate I want (I took that up in lieu of the chips) and four pounds are back on. Now for those of you rolling your eyes the lbs are not my point (genetically I am lucky). I think it is unfair that you workout for years, give up what you want to eat and in two weeks things start heading south. So needless to say today I headed back to the gym and went and bought those celery sticks again. What are you going to do? Anyone want to join me? Drop me an email with your progress. Colleen is the one who pushed me over the edge! Let’s go girls…….time to put US first again……so P.S. If you see me a bit grumpy know that I am eating those darn fruits and vegetables again.