This week my buddy and I decided to try out a new (old) sport. With some impending ankle/foot surgery in my future our weekly hiking trips have gotten very difficult for me but since fitness is paramount (as is bacon & mimosas) we decided to expand our fitness repertoire (truth be told, she is easily bribed to skip working out with either bacon, a smoothie, or a mimosa and trust me I work that angle often). Today we dusted off our bikes (seriously, we literally dusted off tons of dust), aired up the tires and filled up the water bottles. We had our 8 mile route mapped out (her idea!) and off we went.
We zoomed down the road and when I say down it was 4 beautiful miles downhill. We chatted, laughed, chuckled and even used the words "WEEEEeeeeee".
A few miles down this gradual decline it hit me that we would have to return the 4 miles uphill the smiles started to dissipate. We reached the end of the road and enjoyed the view.
Then the full realization set in that that the 4 miles back was all uphill. I would share photos from the way back however there are none as we were too busy complaining and figuring out ways to grab on the back of the passing FedEx truck to tow us back. At one point we even paused and wondered if there was anybody we could call to drive us home who would not make fun of us….obviously that was not an option. We dug deep and engaged our "Inner Lance".
We did make it back and it was a nice workout. Once it was done we did appreciate our ride and the well earned sweat. I did point out that next time I get to pick the route. I have decided that we might even expand out physical fitness repertoire even more………
Obviously I will be the flat footed one on the bottom. I think we could pull this off.
Life is like riding a bicycle – in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. ~Albert Einstein