One thing I love about raising twins is seeing just how different they are and respecting their differences. I love that they embrace their own personalities. I am seeing that more then ever this year. Michaela and Joey are running for Student Council and I asked them to be respectful and supportive of one another. I also asked that they please do not run against one another LOL. So Sunday was campaign central where we made (4) shirts, (5) flyers, (4) posters and they wrote their speeches. As I listened to their great ideas and put them to paper I saw just how different they are.
Joey had the Uncle Sam concept in his head and I just loved that. Joey is the comedian in the family and I love that he embraces that. Here is his flyers:
I love that his slogan is: "I'm not asking you to Vote for Me, I am just asking you to Check the Box
Next to my Name." LOL!
Micky on the other hand took a a different approach…..
Making their shirts was a lot of fun and very excited to see them wear them despite the amount of work they took (I hate ironing!).
As they take on this week I am proud to support them where I can (math not so much but posters…you bet!). Like I told them my record as campaign manager is 0-2. Tyler lost his 6th grade year and he had a great campaign shown HERE. The odds are increased this year but win or lose I am just proud of the twin's taking this on. This is all them and I cannot wait to hear their speaches on Friday! I will be one nervous Momma Bear!.
Good luck to all the kiddos running. It was great to see all those posters going up and like I told the twin's I am just proud of them for doing this and their best.
Straight ticket of Burgos and Burgos….Joey and Micky B. for President and VP! (from one proud Momma Bear!)
"If you truly want to attract the right attention, you must devote your time and energy to what calls to your soul. When you do, you will find your life unimaginably enriched and attractive to those with like minds."