What a great 4th of July and we did not even see fireworks.  We had a wonderful BBQ with good friends, great food and yes some margaritas.  It was just great.  The kids had a lot of fun.  There was dancing, hide ‘n seek, swimming, sprinklers, red/white/blue hats, and yes, those darn margaritas.  Did I mention I had a couple?  We are so lucky to be surrounded by such good friends.  I took 188 pictures! 

I am happy to report that I am catching up a bit.  Or at least a few things came together and eased my mind.  My "new" job at the motorcycle shop was more that I bargained for but today I went in and just got to it.  I caught up on all the payroll and entering invoices and really made some headway.  I needed that.  Splendor

Tonight I emailed my final draft of my article in Scrapbook Dimensions.  So nervous about that.  My first article!  Keeping my fingers crossed that it is good.  I also completed a project for Inkadinkado.  Has to be mailed tomorrow.  It is very 3-dimensional so hard to scan.  The dragon flies look like they landed on the page.  I really like this one.  More like a piece of art than a scrapbook page. 

Now it is 11:46 pm and I am going to tackle moving a few things around in my office to gain some space (yeah, right).  Did I mention I leave for CHA in 14 days!  So excited. 

Tomorrow we have plans to sleep in and maybe take the jet ski out on the ocean since we have not been on it once this year.