Commissioned Artwork

Commissioned Artwork

I love it when I get the opportunity to do commissioned pieces and this time I am adding (3) more pieces to (2) I did last year.  I shared those pieces HERE.  These are the three pieces that will hang with their friends… It was fun to create new pieces but I...
Lead with your Heart…

Lead with your Heart…

I just checked two big items off my checklist this week that have been there forever.  They got pushed down the list.  I did not have the time. the time was not right.  Then the time was right and I let it unfold.  I completed three commissioned pieces that I truly...
Glass Madness

Glass Madness

I have moved on to glass projects with DecoArt Americana Multi-Surface Satin…..Metallic Gold Vase Another fun vase.. Decorative Ball Jar drinking glasses….. and last but not least, something for the adult beverages…… Now all I need to do is...
Blab Re-Cap – Thank you…

Blab Re-Cap – Thank you…

The first blab is under our belts and I had a great time (the nerves were nuts of course)!  Here is the video…(No, Andy and I did not plan our outfits)…. This is a new format and so much was learned.   Yes I was nervous and babble too much.  We learned...
DecoArt Madness in the Studio

DecoArt Madness in the Studio

I am getting ready to head to DecoArt next week and before I go here are some more projects from the Lab……..I mean Studio. Some quick and easy Dazzling Metallic Nesting Paper Mache Boxes….. An up-cycled verdigris frame with Metallic Lustres….....