Tree of Blossoms Round Canvas

Tree of Blossoms Round Canvas

This project was featured in the premier issue of Mixed Up Magazine!  It is time to paint outside of the box….literally round vs. square. It is fun to change up your surfaces in materials and shapes.  This is my Tree of Blossoms…… MATERIALS LIST:...
Registration is Open for One BadA$$ Art Journal 2017

Registration is Open for One BadA$$ Art Journal 2017

I am excited to share that I am part of the BADASS Art Journal 2017 team of Artists along with these fellow amazing Artists…… What does that mean?  Along with these 13 other amazing artists you will be able to sign up and get video lessons from each and every one of...
One Word 2017…Purpose! – GIVEAWAY!

One Word 2017…Purpose! – GIVEAWAY!

Resolutions? It always seems to me like people make them knowing they will eventually break them.  Instead of a yearly resolution, I choose a yearly word that will direct me and inspire me.  That one Word that reminds me of who and what I am about.  It is my focus. In...
Framed Original Artwork Available

Framed Original Artwork Available

I am happy to share that I am working with a local framer, The Frugal Framer who is setting up my pieces matted and framed. They look amazing!  These three pieces can be seen and purchased at Pamo Valley Winery/Frugal Framer: or can be purchased online Framed and...