You may be wondering where I have been. I am in hot and humid Orlando, Florida for CHA summer! And let me tell you it is hot and humid! I know I have been lax in posting but for the first time I feel all the CHA prep work is done. 125 class kits, project after project for a variety of booths and now I can breath. So please stop by the Helmar Booth #1413 to take my make 'n take.
I do want to thank EVERYONE who helped me pack those kits up. Betsy, Victoria, Kelly, Michaela, Joey, Tyler, and last but not least Mom and Dad for burning the midnight oil for me. Tomorrow we shall see how all that hard work paid off……
Here is the project I will be teaching….Aussie Foods Mini Book.
So tonight I am getting a good nights rest and going to pray to the creative Gods that my creative mojo is present and accounted for. Hope to see you at CHA!