I am blessed to work with some awesome companies. When one of those companies hires me to do a trade show it is a partnership that I love because it is a true partnering of my skills and love for the craft industry. FabScraps is one of those companies! When they asked me to do the CHA Paper Arts Show I was thrilled to join them in Atlanta, GA last week. We of course ran into some issues when all the parts for the official display did not show up however we made lemonade out of lemons and managed to do an eye-catching display:
It was a complete pleasure to work with this lovely lady with the cool South African accent………..Laura (she enjoyed her first baked pretzel for lunch):
Our favorite was the Open Market which was a Cash ‘n Carry event for Retailers:
and we loved the after hours to wind down….
Of course when in Rome….I mean Georgia I took in the local sites and cuisine on foot. My favorite part about Southern cooking (besides everything) is that mac ‘n cheese is considered a vegetable! I ordered it everywhere!
After all the Southern Cooking I took in I was glad to have walked over 11 miles. I soaked in the City and made the most of my time.
and that included over 5 miles at the hotel lap track……
All in all it was a great trip to a smaller show and reminded me of what I love to do and with those companies I choose to work with. It was a great trip and looking forward to CHA Winter in Anaheim! Thank you again to FabScraps, their staff and everyone at the show I was able to meet up with!
We all want to achieve success, but we need to remember that success in not a specific achievement. Success is not crossing over some arbitrary finishing line. It’s the ability to fight the good fight day in and day out. Success is strength – the strength to keep pushing and to keep living your life on your own terms. Success isn’t an end result. It’s a state of being. You don’t win success. You are a success every day.”
Awesome article! They truly were so lovely.
Thanks so much Terri! Glad you enjoyed!