So I have up-dated the kid's summer happenings but what about mine? Well, first and foremost I went to CHA Summer 2009 in Orlando, Florida with Helmar Australia. Now before I left I provided pictures of many of my projects and I shared the Make 'n Take I created for Helmar. As with any big project "it takes a village….". Well, my village came through helping me assemble and package those 150 kits. From friends, family, and kids the kits came together and we were packing them until 2 am the night before they were shipped. So without further ado………….THANKS to my village
So CHA was in Florida this year as I mentioned and no offense to those people who reside in Florida but I must ask……….WHY? By golly it was hot. I felt like I was wrapped in Saran Wrap the whole time when I was not freezing my you-know-what off in the air conditioning. But I digress.
Working at the Helmar Booth is always a ton of fun. As usual I had my pre-show jitters and wondered if the kit was ok?, would I find my creative mo-jo?, would people have fun?, would all the parts be in the kits?, what did I forget?, do I have my deodorant on?, what is Obama doing about health care reform? and a whole other host of worries. Right away on my first class I found my mo-jo, the kits seemed to be a hit, lots of people were smiling, we got all the supplies we needed, posters were made, my deodorant held up great and that health care reform thing would have to wait. Despite the lower turnout to the trade show as a whole, Mark Ripper (owner of Helmar Australia) and myself knocked it out of the park. I was not sure if women were stopping by to hear his Australian accent or take my make 'n take but no matter what the booth stayed busy.
Did I mention that none of our glues made it to the show (freight company lost)? If it were not for the last minute decision to throw extra glues in with the make 'n takes we would have been in some deep trouble. It is hard to be a glue company with no glue. But we diverted a tragedy and my deodorant held strong.
Thanks to all who stopped by and I look forward to seeing many of you at CHA Winter 2010!